How to Tell Your Brand Story and Make It Stick

If you’re running a business or leading a team, chances are you’ve recognized the shift in customer needs. According to a 2021 Mintel global trends report, consumers have a greater connection to brands that not only solve their dilemma, but fit into their overall well-being. 

It’s in these moments where we bring our products to life. 

It’s time to tell your story. Let people know who you are. 

I was recently in conversation with an entrepreneur telling me all about their product. They told me what made it taste so good, how all the ingredients were natural and mindfully sourced, why they had the best offering versus everything else on the market.

Admittedly, I was so confused. I didn’t understand what they were selling or if it was for individual sale or a foodservice product that catered events. I couldn’t figure out if it was something for me or not. It was just too much to understand. 

It wasn’t until I visited their website that I got it and absolutely fell in love with what they do and offer. By that time it was too late. Since I am a product guru and find it overly joyous to read all about brands and their stories, I took the time to go and learn more about them. But we have to know, the average consumer is not going to do this.

It’s not enough to convey your story on your website or to put it on the back of your package. If you’re running a business or leading a team, you have to convey your story with absolute clarity at all customer touchpoints, especially when standing face to face with a potential buyer. 

There are 5 key qualities that make a brand message stick;

  1. Tell your product story. This is what’s most popular and often conveyed. It’s the easiest message to deliver. Owners and leaders are passionate about their product and most of the time, know all the intricate details that go into making it the best. 

  2. Tell your origin story. This is the hardest message to get right for some and often overlooked. Why? It’s personal and may shine light on a past experience not glorious. For many, it’s better off not mentioned. For others, the story about how their product came about is pushed aside as insignificant as if it does not warrant value to share. 

    For example, consider the mom who makes skin care products in response to her son’s skin allergy. She may overlook sharing her experiences or frustrations when sifting through an unbelievable amount of products, just to come to the resolution that she’d have to make something of her own. She would eventually solve her own dilemma. By sharing, she connects to so many other mothers facing something similar. 

  3. Tell your ‘why it matters’ story. Get back to your mission and the vision you have for the company. How does your product fit into the greater context of this world and even more, the lives of those you serve? Communicate how it fits together. 

    It’s not enough to just inspire though. You have to close the deal. 

    What’s in it for them? We all want to know how a brand can be trusted and if the people behind the product have our best interest in mind. Take this opportunity to add context to your message and be intentional about closing the deal. 

  4. Tell your story from the heart. It just sounds better. I’ve worked on enough brands that struggled telling their story simply because there was no personal connection. You have that connection, share from your heart. Don’t worry about what everyone thinks. Focus on who matters most and has the most influence in your business. These are your consumers, partners, and decision makers. Focus on being authentic and connecting with them. 

  5. Tell your story with confidence and consistency. This helps to share your voice. Gain those long-lasting super fans and build deeper connections. 

Customers make decisions to buy-in from their hearts, minds, and the values that you share. It connects to their well-being. You’re passionate about your offering, tell them why. 

How will you boost your goals by telling your story?

Cheering you on!
Sharnell Weathersby

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