Building A Brand - Starting With Trust

Building a brand starts with trust; establishing credibility and authentically cultivating lasting relationships. It’s not until then that we can make an offer, serve, and really have influence on people.

If I haven’t told you lately, I absolutely love branding! It’s an opportunity to bring two perfect mates together; individuals with needs and a solution. It doesn’t stop there though. What seals the deal and truly makes branding a strategic effort is when value is exchanged, a relationship is built and as a result, a transformation occurs. 

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Who wouldn’t want to be part of that?

Establishing credibility helps to build trust with consumers in a marketplace where the very essence of trust is frazzled. The brands right now focused on cultivating authentic relationships with their customers and earning their trust, are establishing deep rooted foundations to brand building.

We’ve come to this point in small business where there is so much focus on what’s being sold and the latest offering to promote. Pivoting and shifting has made it’s way to the center of conversation.

When early stage or established, for brands to gain relevance today we must move beyond selling and promoting. In turn, we must place our attention toward building our credibility, stewarding relationships and serving the needs of people. Whether building a new membership community or launching a new product line, this strategic behavior takes branding to new heights in meaning that’s heartfelt and genuine. When done well, customers will then give permission for brands to sell solutions and be transformative in their situations.

Establishing Credibility

Does the name Expert bring you anxiety? Perhaps you and I both know while we may know some things and have some answers, we are far from being all things and all knowing, which expertise somewhat implies. Positioning your expertise as thought-leadership, innovative, forward-thinking in the marketplace really communicates that you know a whole lot about something (not everything) and have a point of view that offers value to people. It’s when we begin to overpromise and mislead that risks jeopardizing credibility. 

Today, consumers want their brands to matter more; they’ll support the brands that align to their values and are meaningful to them.
— Warby Parker

Transparency as Currency

We live in a time where transparency and authenticity are the currency of business. Acting as the life-blood of a brand, it’s what customers have now come to expect as buyers and consumers around our world. No longer just terminology, rather the core essence of a brand’s transparency lies at the foundation of building deep connection with people, it begins here. Every decision that we make as brand owners needs to be rooted in a space that is authentic and true. This requires even the most transparent and open views of who we are as people just as much as what we do and the products we offer in the marketplace.

There’s no getting around it. It’s common to ask, “How real do I need to be? How much behind-the-scenes do I need to share?”

Behind every brand are people. I kick and I scream every time I know that I need to be open. Giving more of a view inside my world entails sharing more of my life, journey, thought processes, the behind-the-scenes work, and an honest view of limitations. All of which draw closer connections. After all, we live in a world where everything needs to be buttoned-up or selfie-ready. Leaders are expected to always be “on” and have the answers or at least know where to get them (and quickly). Yet, what has more meaning is truth. 

At the true core of my introvert being, is a deep desire to be transparent and authentic. This means giving a realistic view of who I am, what I’m thinking and what I believe. But, at the forefront, fear can set in and remind me of the ugly reality; others may not always agree or approve. Others will have their own perceptions and may find out I really don’t have it all together all the time and I am human. These (and similar) are the thoughts that race through every leader and owners mind.

Here’s the thing, in striking contrast of fear is faith. There is faith in knowing that trust is built with people through transparency. It’s the way courage is then realized as a leader, building a brand. History proves, this is how respect is earned and relationships are formed. Beauty in courage outshines the ugly rearing side of fear that may come along with being truthful and transparent in life and in business.

Cultivating Authentic Relationships

In Why She Buys, Bridget Brennan reveals, “Purchasing decisions are typically based on the context of what’s happening in people’s lives at any given moment, not necessarily their chronological age.” She later goes on to say, “...for a significant number of product categories, life stage is a more accurate gauge of a person’s need and shopping patterns than the date on a woman's birth certificate.” We can focus too much as brands on who people are and not necessarily what they are going through and what questions they are asking at a particular stage in their lives.

In essence, people want to know that you can relate to them and understand what they’re going through. Brennan concludes that, “Women (more so then men) respond to personal stories and examples.” Since women have the largest purchasing power around the world, it benefits a brand in today’s world to focus first on giving her an honest view of who you are in context of knowing why she buys.  

My vision is that we will find the courage to lead with honesty and truthfulness even during the most difficult times as we steer the course that’ll shape our branding and ultimately fuel growth.
— Sharnell Weathersby

At Somei we’ve made transparency and honesty key components of our client relations, especially when it comes to owning up to a mistake or limitation before it becomes a bigger issue. They’re our values and align with the values of those we serve.

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We are selling relationships, not products and services.

I hope you know, cultivating authentic relationships takes time. It’s an investment with great reward! I see brands of our future with this focus really having more meaningful impact in our world and adding value.

It’s then that owners are in a better position to;

  • Command a premium price point,

  • Stand out in the marketplace,

  • Pivot without losing relevance and risking appeal with people,

  • and Grow, scaling business.

Read how Chobani built trust with their customers and later scaled their business into a new category.

#innovation #pivot


  1. In what ways can you build credibility with your audience?

  2. How can you cultivate and nurture relationships with your valued customers this month?

  3. What values are primary to your business?

Cheering you on!
Sharnell Weathersby

Copyright 2021, SOMEI Brand Strategy. All Rights Reserved.